You’re listing your home for sale?! Congrats! That’s a big life change coming your way…so big in fact, I highly recommend hiring someone to assist you with your belongings prior to listing…
Read MoreI am going to dedicate a somewhat lengthy blog post to one word: GUILT. Why? Because this is often why people end up living with things they do not love or need. Not apathy, not laziness; guilt…
Read MoreWhen someone says to me “Oh, I’ll get to that someday”, what they’re really saying is I have no plans to take care of that whatsoever. Really, never…
Read MoreYou have small humans in your life. Or tweens or teens…and your home shows it. A lot. Like take over from an alien nation, you may feel as though you’ve lost recognition of the place you call home…
Read MoreIf someone wants to gift you something (birthday, holidays, etc.) a fantastic way to avoid adding clutter into your home is to mention how much you would love an experience instead of a thing…
Read MoreHave you ever stared at an advertisement for a closet design/buildout company? The closets look AH-MAZING…
Read MoreLooking around your home, do you feel surrounded by items you love and use, or do you feel more like you’re surrounded by “stuff” you’ve accumulated over the years and don’t really have time to deal with it?
Read MoreThis so dorky, but I am going to dedicate a blog to the magic of having matching bins in the basement - or the garage, or the attic for that matter…
Read MoreNext time you go to put off organizing instead of doing what really needs to be done in the moment, I hope this little saying sneaks into your conscious…
Read MoreFor most people, the art of being wrong when it comes to clutter and extraneous purchases does not come easily. It’s often far easier to admit fault at other things…
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