Organizing Closets: Why All Your Hangers Should Match
Have you ever stared at an advertisement for a closet design/buildout company? The closets look AH-MAZING. The contents in them create an impossible sort of “closet perfection” that dreams are made of. (Ok, well, my dreams, anyway…) But, do you know what they have going for them that is realistic and so simple to do?! They ALL showcase hangers that are the same style.
This is a no brainer. It is extremely cost efficient; you don’t have to be fancy, just pick up a few sets of plastic, white hangers (or whatever your color preference) and you have instantly added visual continuity to your closet. Yes, of course you can upgrade to velvet, wood etc., just make sure they are all the same - the only caveat being you can have a different style of hanger for pants, skirts and suits, but ideally they should look like they pair nicely together.
Now, go look in your closet. I bet there are some misfits that have snuck in there overtime; the miscellaneous greens, blues, yellows – and don’t even tell me you have any of those heinous, oversized, opaque plastic hangers with the silver handles?! I am all for diversity in every sense; just not when it comes to the hangers in your closet. They should be boring; homogeneously vanilla. They are not the stars of your closet, they are the workhorses that showcase the true stars: your clothes. If you have a closet full of miscellaneous hangers, it makes the visual feel frenetic; like when you’ve had one too many cups of coffee. This is a bad way to approach your wardrobe.
And in case you were wondering, all those wire hangers from the drycleaners? Buh-bye. And, PS: get your clothes out of those horrid plastic covers and give them some fresh air on a proper hanger. (Did you know covers can trap moisture in the air and cause mildew, staining and weakening of fibers!? Flimsy plastic coffins be gone!)
Trust me. Just go buy some matching hangers.