Abagael Baldwin


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The best way out is always through.
— Robert Frost

my story


20+ years of organizing people, places, projects and process.


I’ve dedicated my career to making sense out of chaos for others, with a more recent focus on helping people get organized during large life transitions. When individuals find themselves overwhelmed and in “analysis paralysis”, I am here to be of service.

My skillset is based in organizational project management, but my true passion lies in helping people. Most of my clients I assist for a few months at a time when they are facing personal challenge and upheaval. I have held the hands of many during divorce, moving and downsizing, medical complications and more.

My goal is work with clients until they not only feel the transformation in their physical space, but often within themselves.

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.
— William Morris